I've gotta tell you that there is so much fulfillment in the Study part of teaching. You get nervous, the stakes are so high because 900 adults are gonna be asked to sit and listen to YOU? May it always be God, and I'll take a side seat, but just to consider that as an option seems a bit presumptuous. I mean me? Really? But then God takes a hold of his own Words and fashions them to be delivered as they relate to His own giftedness in me and I'm blown away at how cool that really is.
I'm am such a sermon critic and the scores for me are in two categories: 1.) Content, and 2) Delivery. The content is a beautiful "Study-Fest" and Delivery for me is practice, and more practice. I guess it's the musician in me, but it has to have a smooth, fun, and deliberate tone.
I just love it.
This weeks sermon is "Seeking God's Worth: Finding our way Again"
If you're a friend close by then respond to this with scores on Content and Delivery after the Sunday Service
If you're a friend elsewhere, the you will be able to download this as a podcast through ITunes. Just go into your Itunes software, or (download it from apple.com) and in there podcast itunes store just type in "Park Chapel" and you should see it there once we have posted it.